Established: 31 st Octobor 1993
Founder President/Moderator: Professor Md. Saidur Rahman Mian, Professor, Department of Bangla
Founder Secretary: Kazi Asgar Ali, B.Com (Pass)
Moderator (2016): Nayem Mozammel, Associate Professor, Bangla
President (2016): Anisur Rahman Tanzil
Secretary(2016): FM Mujibur Rahman
Motto: Knowledge is power and Freedom by Logic.
Aim: Working to prepare the students for taking any challenge of the 21st century side by side their academic studies.
Activities: In 2015 DCCDS is participated in a number of debating competitions in Bangladesh and became successful in all of them. DCCDS has achieved two championship and four runners up trophy in the year. In the intra tournament and public speaking competitions, the debaters of this society has been continuously practicing to excel themselves.