Self Financed, Free from Politics & Smoking
College Code : 1375 | EIIN : 108207 | NU Code : 6438


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The Independence and National Day Observed at Dhaka Commerce College

The Independence and National Day Observed at Dhaka Commerce College

Dhaka Commerce College observed The Independence and ..

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Total Views : 927
Dhaka Commerce College Observed the Genocide Day

Dhaka Commerce College Observed the Genocide Day

Dhaka Commerce College observed the Genocide Day on 25 March 2024 ....

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Total Views : 1265
104th birthday of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu and National Children’s Day observed at Dhaka Commerce College

104th birthday of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu and National Children’s Day observed at Dhaka Commerce College

Dhaka Commerce College ....

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Total Views : 1072
Dhaka Commerce College observed historic 7 March

Dhaka Commerce College observed historic 7 March

Students of Dhaka Commerce College participated in completions  ....

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Total Views : 955
Dhaka Commerce College observed The Martyrs` Day and International Mother Language Day-2024

Dhaka Commerce College observed The Martyrs` Day and International Mother Language Day-2024

The Martyrs' Day and International Mother Language Day-2024 ...

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Total Views : 302
Dhaka Commerce College Celebrates a Colorific Study Tour (River Cruise)

Dhaka Commerce College Celebrates a Colorific Study Tour (River Cruise)

Dhaka Commerce College arranged its traditional river cruise on last ........

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Total Views : 275
33rd annual feast arranged at Dhaka Commerce College

33rd annual feast arranged at Dhaka Commerce College

Dhaka Commerce College arranged its 33rd Annual feast on 27 January 2024. .........

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Total Views : 269
The 32nd annual sports-2024 held at Dhaka Commerce College

The 32nd annual sports-2024 held at Dhaka Commerce College

Dhaka Commerce College celebrated 32nd Annual sports-2024 arranged at BUBT ....

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Total Views : 258
A colourful freshers reception of new students admitted in the 2023-24 academic year

A colourful freshers reception of new students admitted in the 2023-24 academic year

A colourful freshers reception of new students admitted in the 2023-24 ..

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Total Views : 882
Dhaka Commerce College celebrated the 103rd Birth Anniversary of the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & National Children`s Day 2023

Dhaka Commerce College celebrated the 103rd Birth Anniversary of the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & National Children`s Day 2023

103rd Birth Anniversary ...

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Total Views : 8416
Observing the Golden Jubilee of Independence in Dhaka Commerce College

Observing the Golden Jubilee of Independence in Dhaka Commerce College

In a befitting manner, Golden Jubilee of our Independence at Dhaka Commerce College 

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Total Views : 4742
Historic 7th March Celebrated at Dhaka Commerce Collage

Historic 7th March Celebrated at Dhaka Commerce Collage

A discussion meeting and prize distribution ceremony was held in the Professor Kazi Faruky Auditorium of Dhaka Commerce College

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Total Views : 2932
Martyr Day and International Mother Language Day Observed

Martyr Day and International Mother Language Day Observed

Martyr Day and International Mother Language Day was observed in a befitting

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Total Views : 2401
Golden Jubilee of victory in the liberation war celebrated at Dhaka Commerce College with due solemnity

Golden Jubilee of victory in the liberation war celebrated at Dhaka Commerce College with due solemnity

Dhaka Commerce College celebrated the Golden Jubilee 


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Total Views : 2101
Silver  Jubilee along with Mujib-year has been observed

Silver Jubilee along with Mujib-year has been observed

In a befitting manner, Silver  Jubilee along with Mujib-year has been observed 

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Total Views : 2436