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Prof. Dr. Shafique Ahmed Siddique

Prof. Dr. Shafique Ahmed Siddique


Governing Body

Dhaka Commerce College


Professor Dr. Shafique Ahmed Siddique is the Chairman of the Governing Body of Dhaka Commerce College. He is the son of  Late Alhaj Abu Siddique and Shamsun Nahar Siddique. He Was born on 27 August 1950. He obtained B.Com (Honours) with 1st Class  and M.Com (Accounting) with 1st Class Degree from University of Dhaka, M.SC (Financial Management) in 1978 from Southampton University and Ph.D. (Industrial Management) in 1985 from Brunel University, the United Kingdom.

He was the Lecturer of Department of Accounting in the University of Dhaka from 1974-1985, Assistant Professor from 1986-1999 and Associate Professor of the same Department from 2000-2004. He became Professor of Accounting in 2005.

He is the Chairman of Bureau of Business Research, University of Dhaka, Founder Secretary, Bangabandhu Memorial Trust and Life Member, Bangla Academy. He was the Chairman of BUBT Trust. He was awarded prestigious Dean’s Academic Award in 2001 from the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka.  



There is no alternative to modern and updated education to build up a self reliant, self confident and developed nation. Business Studies is such a dynamic and practical system of education. This demand of Business studies is ever on the increase for surviving in a competitive world. Besides, Business studies is also indispensable for the economic development of a nation. Keeping this in mind Dhaka commerce college is functioning as a unique institution in the field of Business Studies for the part twenty five years. This institution has been preparing its students with skills to meet the demand of the age. Dhaka Commerce College has already achieved nationwide recognition as a role model of an ideal institution by dint of its extraordinary result and implementation of discipline. 

In terms of its overall achievements, Dhaka Commerce College is an ideal seat of learning where the prime goal of the teachers and learners is to contribute to national social development through learning and implementation of that learning.

Prof. Dr. Shafique Ahmed Siddique
Chairman, Governing Body, Dhaka Commerce College
Dhaka Commerce College

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